Aesthetic Surgery Market Trends - 2015


Key factors "shaping" the aesthetic surgery market and healthcare M&A activity in it are:

  • Large and Growing Market
    15.6 million cosmetic procedures, including both minimally-invasive and surgical, were performed in the US in 2014, an increase of 3% since 2013. Additionally, 5.8 million reconstructive surgery procedures were performed last year, up 1%.
  • Less Expensive International Markets are Alluring
    The number of individuals opting to travel overseas for cosmetic procedures has increased manifold over the last few years due to low costs, among other factors. Such procedures include jaw surgery; Aegyo Sal (“eye smile” accentuated fat deposits around the eye); forehead augmentation; Zygoma reduction (reducing fat deposits near the cheekbone to create a slimmer face); round head surgery (to create a less angular head); breast reduction; and rhinoplasty (nose correction)
  • Non-Surgical Procedures Growing
    Injecting fillers and Botox far outnumbers the time operating, according to number of practitioners. Patients are often receiving injections from noncertified medical personnel.
  • Fat Transfer and Injections
    In addition to breast implants, breast augmentation is increasingly being conducted by first undergoing liposuction and then a patient's own fat is either injected into her breasts or processed. The advantages of this treatment are that there are not no scars, shorter recovery times, lower costs and breasts may feel more natural.Fat transfer procedures are also used with liposuction and for contouring other parts of the body.
  • Other Non-Invasive/Minimally Invasive Procedures Growing
    Ancillary markets include removal of hair, treating vascular and benign pigmented lesions, removing tattoos, revitalizing the skin, liquefying and removing unwanted fat through laser lipolysis, reducing cellulite, clearing nails infected by toe fungus, and ablating sweat glands.
  • Gender Gap
    The number of cosmetic procedures for women increased over 471% from 1997 with women accounting for 91% of the over 11 million cosmetic surgeries in the U.S. The number of cosmetic procedures for men increased over 273% from 1997.The top five surgical procedures for women were breast augmentation, liposuction, abdominoplasty, breast lift and blepharoplasty.The top 5 for men were: liposuction, blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, male breast reduction and otoplasty.
  • Age Distribution
    People age 35-50 had the most procedures in 2013–over 4.7 million, representing 42% of the total. People age 51-64 had 30%; age 19-34 had 18%; age 65 and over had 10%; and age 18 and under had 1% of procedures.
  • Procedures Moving Out of Hospitals
    In 2013, 57% of procedures were performed in an Office facility, 14% in hospitals; 28% in free-standing surgical centers and 1% in other locations.Recently, more procedures are done outside of the hospital.In 2005, 52% of procedures were performed in offices and 24% were performed in hospitals.